Matt Fraser is the gifted and spirited psychic medium featured on CBS Radio and The Learning Annex in New York City. Globally renowned for sharing heartfelt messages from the Other Side, Matt currently delivers live shows to standing-room-only crowds where his natural sense of humor and compassionate get-up-and-go personality entertains and provides comfort to every life he touches.
Date: November 29th, 2012 (Thursday)
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Location: La’Antica Trattoria Resturant At St. Barts 66 Sophia Street
Providence, RI 02909 ONLY 10 TICKETS REMAIN!
For additional information please call or email:
Phone: 401-573-1360
Email: Events@SimplyPsychic.Net
Cost: $50.00 Ticket Price includes Meal
Cash Bar Available
Meal Choices:
Tickets Includes a Full Course Meal, Your Choice of Veal Parmesan or Chicken Marsala as an Entree