Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Connecting to Loved Ones in Heaven - Matt Fraser

 Connecting to Loved Ones in Heaven

By: Matt Fraser

Have you ever had someone who passed that was close to you? Ever wonder what they would say to you if you had the opportunity to speak to them again? What most people don’t know is that our loved ones are always around us; even after they pass away we have the ability to speak to them and communicate with them as if they were still right here with us. You see that bond of love that we have keeps us connected with that person even after they have left the physical world. Even the most skeptical person knows deep down in their heart that dead is not dead it is a doorway that leads us into another place, a stairway to heaven that is more beautiful and more extraordinary and more complex than any dream you could ever dream up. It is a place that is the ultimate vacation destination peaceful and serene and overlooking the physical world. The good news that comes with this is that heaven is closer than you think! Our loved ones are always with us and watching over us that bond of love that keeps us connected can never be broken. When you think about them, when you remember them, when you hold something that was theirs they are there. Our family and friends and even pets are there watching over us and seeing our lives as every second passes, they never miss out on anything. Even family members who have passed when we were just children or passed before we are born are their watching over us, protecting us, and guiding us through our lives. So how do we connect with this place called “heaven”? Well, the first step is opening up, allow yourself to become open minded and ask for signs from your loved ones (Grandparents, Mother, Dad, Sister, Brother) whoever it might be ask them to show you signs that they are around you, it is as easy as just asking. This is the first step to opening up your consciousness and allowing yourself to tap in and have proof of your loved ones being there. At first you will notice the signs will start off small maybe you walk by the grocery store and there is a man outside smoking the same cigar that your grandfather used to, or you walk by a florist and see the same type of flowers that used to sit on your grandmothers table when you used to visit her years ago. Small signs but did you notice it caught your attention? That’s the first step, although the examples I gave you were just little small examples they were able to trigger a memory of a loved one and get you to think about that person and even feel their presence around you as the memory of them floats around in your head. Some of the same memories that you hold close to your heart those on the other side do as well. The signs are all around us it can be from something as simple as finding pennies on the ground, or as complex as seeing your grandmothers name on the license plate of the car that’s in front of you. The signs will be unique and special to you and you will be able to recognize them when you receive them. The great part about this is that everyone can do i.! All you have to do is just ask and the signs will begin to appear! You do not need to go searching for the signs either, just allow the signs to come to you. Have fun with this, once you start opening up the possibilities are endless! When you are missing someone that has passed talk to them they can always hear you and love hearing from you. The more we talk to our loved ones on the other side and ask for their guidance, and remember them the more we feel them with us and start to recognize their presence. When you talk about them and think about them it strengthens the communication you have with them and it allows you to become more open and receive more signs and signals from them. You may even hear them speak to you in your subconscious thoughts. One thing that you cannot forget is that you CAN ask for more! If you are someone who needs more proof ask your grandmother to throw a sign in front of you that you can’t deny it will work. Ask for your loved ones to come through in dreams or for them to play music so that you know that it is them coming to you - the keyword is ask because they do listen.  Get creative and start communicating with your loved ones today, they would love to hear from you just as much as you would like to hear from them! Enjoy the your spiritual journey connecting with 'heaven'.

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